Sunday, March 10, 2019

Waiting at SeaTac

Here’s the difference from me, the snapshot taker, and someone who knows what they are doing. The first photo is Dom’s modified photo followed by my original. I looked at mine and my only thoughts were how to remove the greenish blue artifact near the sun and I wanted the snow in the background to be white. I just let Apple take care of the exposure and called it good enough. I didn’t even bother with the greenish artifact.

Right now, I’m sitting in the Seattle airport waiting for my next flight to Palm Springs. I made it to the airport just fine even though TSA was bothered about my unopened box of Cheese-Its. Feeling a need to X-ray it multiple times.

The wait here isn’t long and the gate is right Waji’s so my late breakfast is Spam musubi. I can’t complain about that. It sounds better than Cheese-Its.

Even though this dog may look familiar, it’s a different dog named Charlie. I was invited to dinner last night by JedW and this is their dog. The age and history suggest that he may be a sibling of Bridget’s dog. 


  1. Like yourself I am also the snapshot person, and don't use photo enhancement features much. But the difference is amazing, it makes the second one look even... colder ;-)

    1. Ironically, it wasn’t cold. Somewhere in the 40s (°F) with water dripping everywhere.

  2. Photo-processing isn't rocket science, just click on buttons and see if you like the result.... ;) Of course, I am using an Adobe product which you may not want to use...the other was discontinued but am making it work for me. I find my camera just doesn't really capture what my eye sees, hence the post-processing.

    1. Maybe for you. I play around and try this then that using Affinity Photo and Darkroom. On both RAW and jpegs. Purely random playing around at best…
