Tuesday - Last night, the temperature dropped to 30°F. There were no water issues, as it wasn't below freezing for very long. This cold spell is forecast to last for the rest of the week with areas just a little north of here are actually forecast to get freezing rain, sleet, and even snow.
The air conditioning parts arrived yesterday. Essentially a new starting capacitor and the PTCR. I replaced both components but had very little faith that it would resolve the problem. It didn’t make any difference. I will order a replacement next month as we will definitely be needing A/C soon.
Since it’s an electrical component, I’m not going to try and return it but just set it aside as a spare. The start capacitor is a common part to fail.
I had the RV propane tank filled today. It was down to 2% according to the SeeLevel gauge. The built in gauge had it below 0%. They put in 22.4 gallons for just under $100. Propane had gotten more expensive. It makes the small diesel heaters an attractive option. We have been running off of the bulk tank since arriving at the SKP park. The propane to fill that tank is much cheaper than the smaller RV tank.
Wednesday - While I was up on the roof, I noticed that one of the vent pipes seemed to be sticking up higher than before. So the Dicor around the base was pulled up from the roof. Dicor needs to be applied when the air temperature is in the 70s (°F) and it's barely 40°F today. So I will use some Eternabond tape for now until things warm up. It's supposed to rain today or tomorrow so I need to seal up the opening. This will work for now. I heated up the tape with the heat gun after applying it to the roof.
I'm not sure why the vent pipe pushed up. I did fill up the water tank and the grey tank sits on top of the fresh water tank. Maybe the fresh water tank expanded and pushed up the empty grey tank...
Thursday - It feels colder today probably due to the humidity. It has already sprinkled and rain is in the forecast for the rest of the day into tomorrow morning. Lots of concern here in TX due to all of the snow forecasted for northern TX. I suspect that Dallas is going to be a mess.