Thursday - Only 300 miles today but there was a lot of traffic as the GPS route entered the I-5 corridor just south of SEATAC. Lots of cars and stop-and-go driving. I made it back to the RV around 2pm. After a short break, I started to transfer stuff from the Jeep into the RV. The basement compartments are now full and some stuff will need to ride in the Jeep while we are traveling.
I started and ran the RV engine (no issues!!) and started the refrigerator. And eventually got the back seat into the Jeep.
Friday - By this morning, the RV refrigerator was back to operational temperature so I can start to fill it back up. Sometime over the last month, the portable fridge/freezer turned off so now there is a cleanup task needed. I think it was all freezer items which included meat…
The project of the day was replacing a shower. Bridget commented that I couldn’t escape working on a house…