Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Back to Fairbanks

Tuesday - I got an early start this morning as it was cold in the Jeep. Around 48°F without a sleeping bag. The “plan” is to stop at Fast Eddy’s in Tok for their salad bar. But I can’t arrive too early. I stopped in Beaver Creek for coffee and a small breakfast. This sidecar rig was sitting outside. I found the riders and talked to them a bit. 

I stopped at the Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge. They had a pretty good movie and I did remember to stamp my National Park passport book. 

Fast Eddy’s in Tok was the the next stop after filling up. The overall average for this trip has been 28.6mpg. More than satisfactory as was the salad bar at Fast Eddy’s!

But it was a long drive. The is the long, straight road west of Tok.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Day 3 - Into the Yukon

Monday - This is the wonderful view from my overnight spot on the side of the road. A lot quieter than yesterday rest stop. There is much less traffic on the Cassiar than Hwy 16. 

Near the northern end of the Cassiar, there was a lot of smoke. I’m not sure where the fire is but it looks like it’s west of the Cassiar and south of the Alaska Hwy.

Today was another 600+ mile day ending at Kluane Lake. I’m stopped at a rest area near Destruction Bay. No view of Kluane Lake but there is an outhouse. Only 433 miles to go! It may be challenging to get to sleep as sunset isn’t until 11:17! 

North through B.C.

Sunday - I got an early start today but an accident in Hixon on a bridge stopped progress for a while. No roads around the bridge for quite a ways, I’m told. 

Due to the morning delay, only about 625 miles today due to the Hixon delay. Overnight was at a turnout around 90 miles south of Dease Lake. I stopped at Bell II for dinner but the kitchen was already closed. I had a sandwich and tomato soup from the Bell II gas station. It was a tasty meal. As usual, the Cassiar is wonderfully empty. The animal count on this trip so far is 2 deer, 1 coyote, 2 moose, and 12 black bear. All of the bear were along the southern end of the Cassiar. The two in the picture were about 4 miles from Bell II. Note all the smashed bugs on the windshield. This is after scrubbing the windshield clean about 100 miles ago…

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Centralia, WA - British Columbia

Thursday - Friday - We are back at the RV switching things out again. We are headed back to AK tomorrow. We don’t need the dressier clothes and, since I’m driving the Jeep, I’m bringing some non-refrigerated food and minimal cooking stuff. Since the drive up wasn’t planned, my camping gear is still in TX. But the Jeep is minimally loaded so I can probably sleep in the back. 

It’s about 2,300 miles so about 4-5 days. It should be a nice trip. Four 10 hr days or five 8 hr days. I’ll probably do a couple of longer days for the first half of the trip followed by a couple of shorter days. I’ll probably head a bit to the east initially to avoid the possible crowds at the Seattle-Vancouver border crossing.

 - A long-ish drive day. I am ~50 miles past Williams Lake, BC, or about 750 miles today. I crossed into Canada at Osoyoos, BC, as it’s usually a very short wait. It was about ten minutes. While approaching Hwy 97 at Cache Creek, the skies were looking pretty smoky. And the temperature was still in the upper 90s so I kept driving. I finally stopped at a rest area around 10:30 or so. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Corvallis, OR

Wednesday - We arrived in Corvallis, OR, yesterday afternoon after a brief stop at the RV. After the drive along the WA coast with its cool temperatures, the triple digit temperatures seems especially hot. 

This morning, we worked on Peter’s van a bit. The trailer connector was missing tail lights on both the seven pin and the four pin. It turns out that Ford chose to power the trailer tail lights from the auxiliary battery which is no longer installed. It was removed when the lithium batteries were installed. We simply moved the auxiliary battery cable to the positive of the chassis battery. Easy fix. 

Thursday - Tuesday - Family reunion. Not much time for blogging. In fact, this is the only picture I took of any reunion activities. But it was a wonderful time and we had a great turnout. 

Wednesday - We left Sun River this morning and are stopped in Woodland, WA. I had spent a couple of days here as guests of the Arnetts back in 2016 getting our 5th wheel RV ready for traveling. A lot has happened since then. 

We stopped at Dave and LJ’s RV RV Furniture again. We had stopped by here last fall looking for a new couch. We found exactly what we were looking for but didn’t pick it up assuming that we would be able to find something similar in Texas. We weren’t able to find anything. We now have one on hold until we get back to the area near the end of the summer and have it installed. 

Monday, July 8, 2024

Port Angeles, WA

Sunday - We caught the ferry to Port Townsend and saved a lot of miles. And, we didn’t have to deal with Seattle traffic. 

It was a quick 35 minute trip. After disembarking, we headed to the Olympic National Park visitors center to get a recommendation on what to see if pressed for time. They gave us several suggestions and some maps. 

This is Port Townsend. The area looks vaguely familiar as I had been here several times but I would have difficulty finding my way around. 

We are now at a motel in Port Angeles recovering from the very hectic past few days. 

Steak and bleu cheese salad. Delicious. Followed up with an ice cream cone for dessert.  (No ice cream photo)

 - Today, we headed to the coast towards Rialto Beach. This is just within Olympic National Park. The rocky beach was nice and as long as we were near the water, the temperature was cool. (Mid-60s)

We also visited the largest cedar and the largest Sitka Spruce (pictured). These were a little inland and the temperature jumped into the low 90s. It went up and down all day. 

We ended up in Ocean Shores at a hotel that just changed ownership. The sign did not reflect the new name. But it was a great deal for a really nice room.

Tomorrow, we head to Corvallis. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

4th of July (plus a few more days)

Thursday - Today was a cooking day. We made fish tacos using rockfish along with all the common sides such as Spanish rice, black beans, and Mexican corn. 

Friday - Another cooking day. I helped with the rehearsal dinner. Mostly with the pork ribs and chicken. This was the poké appetizer. Delicious!

Saturday - Wedding Day. Today we celebrated with my nephew and his bride. The wedding was in Anacortes, WA, and it was quite the event in a beautiful location.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

An Adventure

Wednesday - Up before 7am today. I’m packing the Jeep for the next several weeks which include a wedding, a reunion, and some travel around the Olympic Peninsula. In addition to the normal stuff, the Blackstone, propane cylinders, butane burner and fuel, some cooking utensils, electrical repair tools, hand tools, ?. I’m sure I’m forgetting something.

The key thing for me, is that it nothing to do with the house in Fairbanks. A contractor is working on repairs while we are gone. 

We drove north through Seattle to Anacortes. We arrived in town several hours before the check-in time so we had lunch at a bar and grill right next to Anthony’s seafood restaurant. I had the oyster po’ boy. It was delicious. 

While driving through Everett, WA, we spotted some friends from New York that we had met in Tucson. What are the chances of that! This is the photo they took of us while passing in the highway.

We spent yesterday evening at a pot luck barbecue hosted by the bride’s parents. A beautiful home on a lake. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

More Packing

Monday - We took more boxes of photos and albums to storage. The good thing is that it’s still looks there is plenty of room. There is still too much stuff in the garage. I scattered some grass seed on the leach field but it had been raining for most of the morning so no opportunity to even rake the area. It’s supposed to be wet and cool for most of the week so, hopefully, the seeds will be able to germinate and take root. 

The original timeline was that we would be all done and leaving town tomorrow. That is not the case and it is very depressing to me. I am so done with this whole thing…

Later - I went to the monthly Airhead get together and I’m feeling a whole lot better. We are getting a ride to the airport tomorrow so we’ll be trying out the battery shutdown setup I installed last week. The 12V battery will run down due to all of the electronic systems the car leaves running. So I installed a relay to cut off all 12V power except to the relay, which draws only 3ma.

Tuesday - Flying south…

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Maybe Done…

Friday - The septic contractor brought another machine this morning and I think that they are finished. The small loader is still here in the driveway so I’m not sure if everything is done. 

 - The never-ending garage sale continues. At least it isn’t too smoky and the temperature is a very pleasant 71°F. Several large items sold and some things, such as the snow blower, will probably just be left with the house. 

We also had a couple of high school boys come by to move some heavy furniture and the refrigerator. A contractor will be here working on the floor, rear deck, and drywall repair. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

New Septic System

Tuesday - Work continues on the new septic system. The tank arrived first thing in the morning followed by several dump truck loads of rock. They needed to move a lot of dirt to get the leach field at the right grade. 

 - So far, four dump truckloads of rock for the leach field. The area for the rock is in the next picture. That's quite a pile of rock. The contractor said 35 yd3 were needed for a four-bedroom house. The fifth bedroom is not "legal" as the bottom of the window is too far from the floor. And the window is too small.

This is looking uphill towards the house. The tank is buried at this point and they are just starting on the leach field, which is where all of the rock is headed. 

Progress. They started moving rock into the leach field. It'll take quite a few trips from the rock pile to the leach field.

Pretty smoky today but not as bad as it was a few days ago. This is looking southwest towards the University from the neighbors' lot.

Thursday - The contractor has backhoe issues (the engine keeps going into regen). They had a mobile tech out here with his computer for most of the morning but I think they are bringing out a different machine tomorrow. Meanwhile, the septic system is mostly done but there is still a huge pile of rock next to the garage. 

I rode my bicycle this morning to coffee followed by heading across town to the old Fred Meyer location. About 10 miles in total. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Moving Stuff…

Saturday - Sunday - Yesterday, I drove out Chena Hot Springs Road to the local radio club’s ARRL field day at the volunteer fire department. I saw quite a few people who I haven’t seen for several years and also met Delta John, one of the other volunteer examiners. I’ve talked to him on Zoom numerous times over the last 4 years but this is the first time I’ve met him in person. 

I didn’t take any pictures but several people had some impressive portable HF setups and there were a few participating in contests. Basically, trying to make as many contacts as possible. I’m not very interested in contests. But it was a fun couple of hours. Some were planning on staying all night until the event ended at 10am this morning. It’s probably easier to do that up here on the summer solstice.

Today, we hauled more stuff to storage in preparation for the contractor starting work in another week. The high temperature hit 80°F. 

We went to Hot Licks, a local ice cream stand, but the interesting flavors were sold out so we didn’t wait in the long line. We’ll try again some afternoon.

Monday - Waiting for the septic contractor again. Communication doesn’t seem to be one of their strengths…

It’s a smoky day with the fire south of Harding Lake. The McDonald fire is over 50 thousand acres and was started by a lightning strike. Normally, you would be looking at the Alaska Range all the way to Delta. 

Still getting decent performance from StarLink. No complaints. The download speeds do vary quite a bit but rarely go below 70Mbps. I believe that upload is capped at 20Mbps. 

Work has started. They are digging up the septic tank and getting rid of a lot of trees. They asked if we had any sentimental attachment to any trees as they were all going away… 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Almost Solstice

Monday - After the morning test session, we met with the credit union about a short-term load to get started on the house repairs. So much stuff to get done. We then stopped at Costco and Safeway for groceries. I'm still floored by the cost of groceries here in Alaska. 

The days are almost at the maximum with sunset at 12:55am and sunrise before 3am. So it really doesn’t get dark.

Wednesday - We attended a community band concert at a park in downtown Fairbanks right next to the Chena River. We brought our dinner with us. 

This weekend is the Solstice festival where they close down several streets in the downtown area for food booths and entertainment. 

Other than that, it was hauling boxes to storage and to the transfer station (trash).

Thursday - Today is Solstice, i.e. the longest day of the year. From this point, it’s just a slide into winter…

We were scheduled to have the septic system worked on today but the contractor put it off until Monday. I’m not sure if that means actually starting or just showing up with equipment and material. 

Friday - Another week down and even more stuff hauled off to the transfer station. The septic work was postponed by the contractor until Monday. He said that he was running behind. We still haven't heard back from the other contractor to work on the interior projects. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

RV Travel Review

Sunday - The days will continue to get longer for a couple more days then the rapid decent towards winter begins. I had a nice walk to church this morning but got a ride back up the hill. My back is still sore from moving things around. 

And just because it's hard to keep track of our travel, I thought about a summary post.

May 2017 - Drive truck to Washington. Set up the 5th wheel with batteries, solar, transfer switch, RV Lock, LED lights, camera, etc. Northern California, truck repair in Redding, Yosemite, Zion, Bryce Canyon, Moab, Capital Reef, Pikes Peak, Glacier, Helena, Salt Lake City, and Sun River. Drive back to Fairbanks w/RV in July. This was our “practice retirement” trip to see if we like traveling in an RV. About 2.5 months.

June 2018 - Drive RV to PNW with Talon. Store RV at TT Sun River. Drive back to Fairbanks through Vancouver, BC, where we attended a family reunion. About 1.5 months.

September 2018 - Drive truck from Fairbanks to Sun River to pick up the RV. Head to the Oregon coast, Northern California, Yosemite, Needles, and Benson. Store RV in Benson, truck in Tucson. Fly to Fairbanks in November. About 3 months.

January 2019 - Fly back and pick up the truck and RV. Head west to Quartzsite and Quartzfest, Needles Marina (short stay), Joshua Tree, Disneyland, Menifee, Oregon coast, family reunion, Helena, and tow RV to Fairbanks in May. About 5 months.

August 2019 - Drive Prius to Oregon, fly to GA to pick up the motorhome and drive it back to Oregon. Head east through Utah to Zion, Las Vegas, Page, Grand Canyon, Benson, Tucson, Quartzsite, Needles (month stay), now 2020, El Paso, Big Bend, southern TX, northern TX, (Covid), Casa Grande, Pendleton, Oregon coast, southern WA, eastern Oregon, Pahrump, northern Texas, Houston, Harlingen, Carlsbad, Benson, Acton (CA),  Centralia. Store RV. Prius to AK on the ferry in May, 2021. About 21 months.

September 2021 - Fly to Washington to pick up the RV. Head east and south to Albuquerque for the balloon festival. Then east through Oklahoma, Tennessee, South Carolina, to Florida. Pick up the Jeeps in December. Five months in Florida. Left FL in June 2022. North to GA, SC, NC, Tennessee, towards San Antonio. RV was in the shop for a month with a major oil leak. Head for Tucson in August, 2022. Stay in Tucson for four months. In January 2023, head for Yuma and Quartzsite. We went back to Tucson for two months. Then north through Nevada to Centralia. Drive Jeep to Fairbanks. About 20 months.

July 2023 - Head south with the Ural on a trailer. Stop in Helena to store the Ural for a couple of months. Then on to Centralia to pick up the RV. Seaside, Corvallis, Leavenworth, Aspen Crossing, Yellowstone, Helena, Nebraska. The motorhome was towed to Cheyenne for engine replacement. In November, 2023, I picked up the motorhome and drove it to Hondo, TX.

December 2023 - Jeep road trip to Minnesota. 

January 2024 - Jeep road trip to Oklahoma

February 2024 - Jeep road trip to Florida

May 2024 - Fly to Outer Banks. Then drive to Centralia, WA. Fly to Fairbanks. About 10 months.

We lived and traveled ~62 months in an RV over the past 7 years. Thats ~72% of the time. If you don’t count the first “practice retirement” trip in 2017, then it’s around 82%. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

More Junk...

Tuesday - I rode the bike to morning coffee at ACRC and it was a lot more tiring than yesterday. Sore arms and shoulders more than anything else. After coffee, DaveR gave me a ride back home. Especially nice since it had started to rain, which wasn't in the forecast. 

I sorted through more of my junk and hauled my bins of "must keep" to the garage. I'll go through all the junk at least one more time before committing it all to storage. I did find some things that I thought were lost such as the special USB cable to program the PDM60 (power distribution module) on the Ural. It's been missing for years.

Friday - Participated in the morning and afternoon test sessions. The sessions give me a break from moving things around. Hauling stuff around the house is a real pain (literally) especially if books are involved. There must be at least eight feet of cookbooks. I remember picking up most of them as they looked really interesting at the time. These days, most recipes are found using Google searches and most of these books haven't been touched in at least a decade. 

More things are leaving, one way or the other, than are being put into storage. That's a good thing. 

Saturday - Garage Sale #1 of ?  So much stuff to get rid of.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Getting Rid of Junque

Saturday - Got some of my bigger items sold before the garage sale. The air compressor and air tools, a working 2,000-watt generator (plus one that I couldn't start)), a folding aluminum ladder, a glider rocker, a bunch of random tools, and auto servicing stuff.  We also hauled some more stuff to storage.

Sunday - Today, I moved most of the furniture out of our bedroom to either the upstairs bedroom or the garage. The oak desk and large dresser went out through the sliding glass door and the backyard. There was no way I was going to get up the stairs. Both the desk and dresser I’ve had since before moving to Alaska and I must have hauled them up at some point. I really don’t remember when.

My Apple Watch says my heart rate peaked at 180 while moving the dresser up the hill. But recovery time was only a couple of minutes. Not too bad. But I’m pretty exhausted now. Too bad we only have one car, which is in Anchorage today. Hot Licks sounds pretty good around now…

I did get in over 10K steps and climb 41 flights of stairs (according to Apple).

Monday - After yesterday’s effort, I thought I’d do something a little different. I dug out my 50 year old touring bike. I aired up the tires, checked the brakes and cables, and my only helmet here was the one I purchased around 1975. My other helmet is in the RV. So I donned the 49 year old helmet and headed for Beaver Sports for a helmet. Not a long ride but 8.5miles isn’t bad for me.

The bike works fantastic. Easy to shift and rolls effortlessly downhill though the uphill “engine” needs a lot more work. But I can just downshift and plug along. Or walk…

Friday, June 7, 2024

Puttering Around

Sunday - After church, there was a fundraiser for the short-term mission trip to Ethiopia. I was volunteered to help cook burgers on a flattop griddle. Something within my ability. We made around 150 burgers and almost that many hot dogs. I think they reached their fundraising goal. 

The only other task was dismantling the propane half of the grill. It was a nice unit that had both a propane and a charcoal half’s. But it is showing its age with a lot of rusted areas. Since there is an almost full bag of charcoal in the garage, I’ll keep the charcoal half until we run out of time or charcoal. 

Monday - More de-cluttering and getting things ready for the upcoming garage sale. Sorting what goes to storage and what gets sold. As well as a lot going to the landfill. What causes us to keep all of this junk?

As it was the first Monday of the month, there was a BMW Airhead get-together aka barley therapy. We met at Brian’s home and enjoyed some good discussions. Brian is another sidecar rider and has a Ural sidecar on his BMW R60. 

Tuesday - We met the group for coffee this morning at ACRC then hit Costco and Fred Meyer for some groceries. It wasn't a lot of groceries but still hit close to $200. Food is ridiculously expensive in AK. 

Wednesday - I hate garage sales. I'm almost inclined to just toss anything we don't want to keep. So much junk...

Thursday - We had long-time friends over and it allowed me to do a little cooking. That always makes for a good day. I was going to say "old friends" but I resemble that description. We had some ribs, potato salad, grilled broccoli, and turkey burgers. They brought watermelon and cookies. It was wonderful to visit with them as we had been friends since the early 80s when we were all students at the university.

 - Still pushing along trying to get things filtered down. I keep running into things I want to keep. Kind of sad...

We spent the evening at a U-Park retiree gathering. I made a deconstructed California roll for our contribution. It came out pretty good. There were some familiar faces including the hosts as I had worked with him for years at the university. 

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Network Connectivity

Thursday - I ordered a StarLink device last Saturday and it arrived this evening. It’s currently sitting on a metal fence pole around 8’ long that is anchored to a heavy metal ladder. Setup was really straightforward and the packaging was very Apple-ish. 

Initial speed test is promising and is way faster than the AT&T hotspot. After putting the dish on the pole, there hasn’t been any outages like there were when I had it sitting on the ground. 

The obstruction map is still being generated. The app says it’ll take around 12 hours to be created. After the initial setup, the app told me to turn it east 8° for better coverage. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Cleanup Continues

Sunday - Not a whole lot was done today. I installed a 4-pin trailer light connector on the Prius in case I want to rent a trailer to move some larger items. Then cleaned up some of the junk in the garage. There is still a lot of junk.

Monday - I spent most of the morning filtering through my clothes closet. Roughly 80% ended up in the give-away pile after the first pass. I think I will be going through at least one more time. The picture just looks like a poor excuse for a lawn but shows why I really don’t like houses. I had to mow the weeds and must’ve woken up every mosquito in the area…

The couple that stayed at our house over the winter began moving their stuff out today. 

After dinner, we went for a walk at Creamer’s Field. Not a long walk as the boardwalk is being rebuilt but it was a nice change from packing. 

Tuesday - I began the day meeting a couple of friends for coffee at ACRC. This is the same group that used to meet at College Coffeehouse and Sunshine. Both of those places have since closed. After we dropped off a lot of clothes at the Rescue Mission and Value Village, I filled up the Prius with “hazardous trash” such as paint, solvents, and spray cans. The transfer site has a place to drop these items off. I then dropped off a load of leftover metal, wood, pipes, and other construction material.

This evening, we met up with a couple from the Co-Op in Hondo. The final stop on their Alaska cruise was Fairbanks. It was great to visit with them. We just had dinner at the Alaska Salmon Bake. The menu has changed from the last time we've been there but the salmon, as always,  was fabulous. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Moving Out

Thursday - Yesterday was a blur as I arrived back home around 3am after 8 hours in the Seattle airport. This morning, we rented a storage unit and now I need to locate a couple of pallets to put some furniture on so the furniture is not in direct contact with the concrete floor. I also participated in several test sessions yesterday and today. The times for the tests seem more reasonable for me now that I'm actually in the Alaska time zone. And took care of a couple of really minor things around the house. Now the serious work begins.

Friday - I started moving stuff into the storage space. We are using Kyle’s desk to enable stacking when you normally can’t stack. For example, the Prius tires can go under the desk. Or tools like the chop saw or router table.

To the right, I put a couple of old shipping pallets on the floor to keep some wood furniture from touching the concrete floor.

Saturday - More sorting through all of the junk that I've accumulated over the years. There was so much junk that was acquired at various conferences.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Alaska Bound…

Tuesday - A huge thank you to Dave and Ginny for their hospitality and generosity. Dave gave me a ride to the Portland airport. And, as usual, we had some good conversations along the way. There were no direct flights to Fairbanks from Portland so I’m stopping in Seattle for a while. I think the layover is around 8 hours or so. 

I’m glad to see that the flight to Seattle is on a 737. At least there is room for my carryon bag. The first picture is at the Portland airport. The second one is from the Alaska Airlines Lounge at the Seattle airport. The lounge has food and beverages and the one day pass is $65. Since I have an eight hour layover, it seemed worth it. 

Pretty decent bandwidth given the number of people here. It’s not super crowded but there are more people than on prior visits.