Friday, June 7, 2024

Puttering Around

Sunday - After church, there was a fundraiser for the short-term mission trip to Ethiopia. I was volunteered to help cook burgers on a flattop griddle. Something within my ability. We made around 150 burgers and almost that many hot dogs. I think they reached their fundraising goal. 

The only other task was dismantling the propane half of the grill. It was a nice unit that had both a propane and a charcoal half’s. But it is showing its age with a lot of rusted areas. Since there is an almost full bag of charcoal in the garage, I’ll keep the charcoal half until we run out of time or charcoal. 

Monday - More de-cluttering and getting things ready for the upcoming garage sale. Sorting what goes to storage and what gets sold. As well as a lot going to the landfill. What causes us to keep all of this junk?

As it was the first Monday of the month, there was a BMW Airhead get-together aka barley therapy. We met at Brian’s home and enjoyed some good discussions. Brian is another sidecar rider and has a Ural sidecar on his BMW R60. 

Tuesday - We met the group for coffee this morning at ACRC then hit Costco and Fred Meyer for some groceries. It wasn't a lot of groceries but still hit close to $200. Food is ridiculously expensive in AK. 

Wednesday - I hate garage sales. I'm almost inclined to just toss anything we don't want to keep. So much junk...

Thursday - We had long-time friends over and it allowed me to do a little cooking. That always makes for a good day. I was going to say "old friends" but I resemble that description. We had some ribs, potato salad, grilled broccoli, and turkey burgers. They brought watermelon and cookies. It was wonderful to visit with them as we had been friends since the early 80s when we were all students at the university.

 - Still pushing along trying to get things filtered down. I keep running into things I want to keep. Kind of sad...

We spent the evening at a U-Park retiree gathering. I made a deconstructed California roll for our contribution. It came out pretty good. There were some familiar faces including the hosts as I had worked with him for years at the university. 

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