Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Cleanup Continues

Sunday - Not a whole lot was done today. I installed a 4-pin trailer light connector on the Prius in case I want to rent a trailer to move some larger items. Then cleaned up some of the junk in the garage. There is still a lot of junk.

Monday - I spent most of the morning filtering through my clothes closet. Roughly 80% ended up in the give-away pile after the first pass. I think I will be going through at least one more time. The picture just looks like a poor excuse for a lawn but shows why I really don’t like houses. I had to mow the weeds and must’ve woken up every mosquito in the area…

The couple that stayed at our house over the winter began moving their stuff out today. 

After dinner, we went for a walk at Creamer’s Field. Not a long walk as the boardwalk is being rebuilt but it was a nice change from packing. 

Tuesday - I began the day meeting a couple of friends for coffee at ACRC. This is the same group that used to meet at College Coffeehouse and Sunshine. Both of those places have since closed. After we dropped off a lot of clothes at the Rescue Mission and Value Village, I filled up the Prius with “hazardous trash” such as paint, solvents, and spray cans. The transfer site has a place to drop these items off. I then dropped off a load of leftover metal, wood, pipes, and other construction material.

This evening, we met up with a couple from the Co-Op in Hondo. The final stop on their Alaska cruise was Fairbanks. It was great to visit with them. We just had dinner at the Alaska Salmon Bake. The menu has changed from the last time we've been there but the salmon, as always,  was fabulous. 

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