Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Made My Goal
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Peanut Butter
Last night, I woke up around 1 with a low BG level. I ate one of those small. lunch box bowls of canned fruit. It did it's job but I was left with a bad case of hiccups. Almost no sleep at all. I went in to work but ended up coming home mid-morning since I was completely exhausted. And to make thing worse, I ended up with a mild fever probably caught something due to my reduced resistence. All from the hiccups. I tried several "home remedies" but none of them worked until I tried a heaping tablespoon of peanut butter (extra crunchy! My favorite) and within minutes, no more hiccups. Now to try and get some sleep. Only 4 miles of walking last night since I was still feeling run down. I felt fine Sunday afternoon while running but I seem to be paying for it now.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Plugging Along
Today, I'm kind of feeling it from my attempt at running yesterday. Kind of sore and my legs feel a bit tired. This morning, I was running late and had to run to catch the bus. As is usually the case, I wasn't running late and ended up waiting for 5 minutes for the bus. I guess it is against my nature to be late even for something like catching the bus. Other than being a little sore, I'm feeling fine. I did end up signing up for the "Beat Beethoven" 5K race which takes place on April 11th. Now I have another goal. I know that right now, I won't be able to finish in 30 minutes. I think that I really need to do more outdoor running not only to get used to the idea of running outside (ice, gravel, etc.) but also get my legs used to actually pushing forward. It is very different from running on a treadmill. Plus the treadmill deck is somewhat cushioned so you don't feel the same jarring as you do outdoors. After arriving at my destination last night, I was really feeling it in my joints. It all went away after half an hour but did make me sit up and take notice. I've never had problems with my joints and don't really want to start now.
One of the reasons for this post is to try out a blogging package called Blogo. It is a Mac package that is supposedly much easier use. Up to this point, I have simply been using the web interface supplied by blogger.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Warm, Clear, Sunny Afternoon
On Thursday evening, I signed up for a gourmet Asian cooking class down at Hutch as part of the culinary arts program. My son is signed up for the class so I figured I might as well take the class as well. Last Thursday was Thai cuisine and it was great. All of the students sit down to dinner after spending a couple of hours preparing their dishes. Nest week is Sri Lanka, I believe. I would recommend these classes to anyone in the Fairbanks area.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
New Nike+ Goal: 200 Mile Month
I haven't felt much like walking most evenings but managed to get some walking in. I finally uploaded my data to the Nike+ site and I'm over 160 miles for the month. I have another week so I think I will try to hit the 200 mile mark this month. The Nike+ only records for "exercise sessions" as opposed to a regular pedometer. I carried a pedometer around for the first half of this month but since the WIN for Alaska fitness program uses duration of exercise instead of steps or distance, I stopped carrying it around. But I was still meeting my earlier goal (last year) or trying to walk at least 10 miles per day. There were some low days but overall, I was still managing to meet that goal.
Friday, February 13, 2009
99 Miles

I am also plugging my way towards the 2000 mile mark using the Nike+ device and if you reach it, you get the opportunity to purchase a t-shirt marking the occasion. The number at each milestone drops dramatically since folks lose interest in the program. There are only 1700 at the 2000 mile mark. It drops very rapidly from there with 10 at the 10,000 mile mark. I'm only at 1200 miles right now. The other reason to explain the dropout rate is the battery life of the sensor. It seems to die after only 4 to 6 months. This is what happened to me. My last sensor only lasted about 4 months probably because the sensor is not buried inside my shoe. And Nike wants $20 for a replacement. Maybe I should take one apart to try and replace the battery...
Friday evening - Ran 6 1/2 miles this evening and feeling a bit worn out. No plans for this weekend.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Beautiful, Sunny Day
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Nike+ Goals
Monday Evening - This evening, I tried running on the treadmill but I feel too tired to go more than about 4 miles. Don't feel sore or anything like that but just sort of run down. Maybe it's the time difference. Or maybe it is working for two weeks straight without a break. Some may think that going to the Internet2 meeting should qualify as a break but there is little opportunity to actually rest unless you count on the plane. Most days last over 12 hours with breaks for meals. One meeting finally ended after 10pm. Maybe I'm coming down with something. I felt chilled yesterday but I attributed that to just coming back to Fairbanks from Texas.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Walked to the Mall
It was pretty chilly this morning with fog and temperatures just above freezing. It did warm up on the way back but I still ended up getting really chilled. I stopped at a diner on the way back for some soup and coffee. Feel fine now but I hope it doesn't lead to a cold.
I already have 49.8 miles towards my 80 mile goal for the month of February and it is only the end of the first week. I had originally though that it was going to be difficult meetiing my goal since it was a short month and for the first week, I was at a conference. Usually, I don't get much exercise in. The treadmills in the fitness rooms here at the hotel in Seattle were both broken so I "had" to walk to the mall. It was the only thing interesting in the area.
Friday, February 6, 2009
My "lightning talk" went well though I almost ran out of time. Several questions afterwards as well. They announced plans to hold the meeting in Fairbanks sometime in July, 2011. I'll need to work on that when I get back. Very enthusiastically received though some wished it was in 2010.
The DCN workshop gave me some "hands on" experience with the software tools used to reserve and deploy DCN. Specifically, Dragon and Oscars. I wonder if there are plans in place to use this software...
Friday Afternoon - DFW airport is much bigger than SEA. One lap of all the terminals is six miles versus 2 miles for SEA. One lap is probably enough. Alaska Airlines is in a disconnected terminal i.e. you need to take the train to the rest of the terminals.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Get the Point
Today, I started a VoIP workshop led by the ITEC group here at Texas A&M.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Still Getting Exercise
Also, today, I gave a short talk on the Barrow IT infrastructure that I have been working on for the last, I guess officially, 16 months. Unofficially, much longer than that. It is nice to have a project that is still exciting and interesting. This evening, plenty of people came up to talk about the project and others mentioned that they were looking forward to when this meeting will take place in Fairbanks. We are still working on that and tentative plans are for the summer of 2011.
I also walked back to the hotel from the college. It was a comfortable temperature. There won't be a bus tomorrow so more walking. For yesterday and today, 22.80 miles on the pedometer.
Monday, February 2, 2009
I2 JT Meeting
Another interesting comment was during the ARIN update. Only 32 /8's available to be allocated world wide. The current allocation rate is between 12 & 14 /8's per year. So, whether you like it or not, IPv6 will probably be coming to your neighborhood soon.
Tuesday Afternoon - I thought about walking this morning but decided that it was too cold. It was below freezing at 7:00 am. I probably will walk back since I really need the exercise.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
WIN Get the Point
On another note, at the ESCC/Internet2 Joint Tech meeting, there was a session this afternoon to get your laptop working with IPv6. They are not using stateless auto-configuration on the wireless network but using a IPv6 dhcp server. Mac's don't do well in this environment sine there isn't a IPv6 dhcp client installed as part of OS X so I had to install a dhcp client. Not trivial. But I did get it working eventually.
Update - The page is working now (both the WIN and the Internet2 pages!) I'm doing this update using the IPv6 only network. So far, the only thing not working is SSH.