Saturday, January 27, 2024

This is More Like It!

Thursday - Ahhh! Finally some wonderful temperatures. At least for a while. No rain in the forecast and the overnight temperatures are reasonable. 

We managed to get a couple of projects done. With DomC's help, I replaced the swivel rocker in the RV. It had started to fall apart after only a couple of years. We picked up the replacement from someone else here in the park who wanted to get rid of theirs. They felt that they had too much furniture in their shed. It's in wonderful condition.

Saturday - The next project on the docket was installing tilting mounts for the solar panels. The mounts are made by Renogy and I had ordered two kits to see if it would work. They do work with a bit of modification to the plastic mounts I had used. Two of the mounts, which were not screwed into the roof structure, practically fell off. The Sikaflex held fine to the fiberglass but not to the plastic mounts. I just picked up some steel angle to attach the failed mounts to two other mounts which are fastened into the roof structure. 

It took us 5 hours and a trip to Tractor Supply to get on panel done. The second panel should be done in a fraction of the time. Thank you Dom for all of your help. It is really appreciated. Two more tilt kits have been ordered. We have four panels.

 - The second panel went much faster. Four hours which included additional work on the first panel. Climbing up and down the ladder onto the roof and working on the roof seems to bring out a lot of aches. But half done. The other two should go even quicker. 


  1. Nice temps, Richard. At our neck in the woods winter has finally made an entrance. The snow didn't stay long though, but it still is in the single digits (°C). Cheers, SonjaM

    1. After colder temperatures the last month, this is feeling pretty nice! No snow around here though the temperatures did drop into the teens for a while…

    2. Thank you for stopping by, Sonja. I’m looking forward to more of your travels!
