The governor’s palace. Kind of an odd term at least on this continent. But I think it is leftover from English nobility and the governor of the colony.
Merchant Square was our first stop after picking up our annual passes at the visitor’s center. Bridget had picked up the passes on Black Friday and was apparently a good deal. The annual passes were cheaper than the multi-day passes. Now we’re set until 12/09/2019.
A model of Williamsburg at the visitor’s center. The glass top and the overhead lights made a picture challenging.
An actor portraying Thomas Jefferson talked about current events in a half hour talk.
More Colonial Williamsburg tomorrow or Sunday...
Merchant Square was our first stop after picking up our annual passes at the visitor’s center. Bridget had picked up the passes on Black Friday and was apparently a good deal. The annual passes were cheaper than the multi-day passes. Now we’re set until 12/09/2019.
A model of Williamsburg at the visitor’s center. The glass top and the overhead lights made a picture challenging.
An actor portraying Thomas Jefferson talked about current events in a half hour talk.
More Colonial Williamsburg tomorrow or Sunday...