Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday Morning

Another beautiful day in paradise. Or at least that's what I need to keep telling myself. Another clear, sunny morning with temperatures right around 32°F with visibility seemingly unlimited. I don't think I'll ever get tired of this view. Sunrise was at 5:25am and we are already up to almost 17 hours of sunlight. No leaves out yet but the sidecar saw its first passenger of the year.

The mood on campus is rather somber this morning as there was a suicide in the woods behind student housing on Saturday evening. The only news is that he was a current student in Biology & Wildlife but this is the last week of instruction this quarter with finals starting in a week. Just speculating but is success in school that important?


  1. Another beautiful day in paradise? Talk about imagination, Richard.

    So sad, to hear that someone wasted a life, and will miss out on so many beautiful things. Unusual timing though, now that spring time has arrived.
    Either stressed out from studies (although I cannot really picture Biology & Wildlife as a stress factor) or more likely the poor bloke was suffering from depressions. Darn!

    1. I'm delusional and I admit it. But I think it may take a certain amount of that to put up with our Winter.

  2. It's very touching that you mention the death of the student. It's a bit of a memorial, a mentioning that is a way of giving that life a nod in passing.

    Only those who live in such extremes of weather can understand it. Add the stresses of being young, working hard at studies and who knows what else was happening in that young life- such a delicate time. Some of us are more fragile than others.

    1. I don't think weather or darkness had anything to do with it. It isn't a frequent event on campus but, unfortunately, not uncommon to college campuses around the country.

  3. Beautiful blue sky.

    Sad that a student took their own life. Happens all too often here. Unfortunately they usually choose to jump off the buildings at OSU. One was a client they managed to save, spend tens of thousands putting through rehab only to have him jump again two years later with his desired result. So sad.

    1. The weather has been really nice. Not into the 60s yet but getting close. Bridget got dropped off at school today (at the front door!) with the rig as her car is at the dealer today.

  4. Richard:

    I can sort of understand the mindset of taking your own life. Sometimes you think that your circumstance is unique and there is no way out and that you are trapped. You really need to talk it out since even the smartest person can't figure this out when they are "stressed". Often there are no signs and everyone is surprised when it happens.

    often times there is no honourable "way out" and you are forced under duress . . . like the school principal who arranged for the students to take that Korean ferry on their field trip last week (whom committed suicide)

    No different than losing your family fortune during the crash of 1929 and jumping out of high buildings.

    I'm okay now and I'm still here, thank goodness I snapped out of it, so I can relate

    Very nice weather you are having. Also giving sidecar rides is justification for having your sidecar after all and works as a 2nd vehicle and commuting machine

    A weekend photographer or Riding the Wet Coast

    1. I hear stories like that and I still don't understand, but then I don't understand a lot about human behavior.

      As far as sidecar rides, the major impediment used to be the car battery in the sidecar.

  5. Richard I am glad spring has come to you but sad the student has gone. It is hard for me to understand too.

    1. I may have to change the header to a more "Spring-like" picture. Maybe once the leaves come out.
