Saturday, June 24, 2023

Trip South

We headed south partly to take a break from the de-cluttering effort. We stopped at at a gift shop between Nenana and Healy. They had this fish wheel on display. 

We met up with friends, Gary and Stacy, at the Houston Lodge and met a few other RV couples for dinner. These were some folks that are part of the RV to Alaska FB group. 

This is the view from their back deck. We spent the night in their guest room of their fabulous new home. 

Friday - We headed through Anchorage in the morning to visit with my nephew and his family. 

Saturday - After spending the night at my nephew's home, we headed north back to Fairbanks. BTW, his overland RV project is progressing with the shell built onto the bed. The trip was pretty uneventful with only a couple of short stops,