Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Yet Another Snowy Ride

Another snowy ride post. We got about 5" of snow last night and with the snow comes warm weather. I think it was about +25°F this morning.  Today, I tried putting the chains on the front wheel but they hit the rod anchoring the brake caliper. I didn't realize that there was so little clearance. I had just been focusing on fitting the chains on the rear wheel.

Anyway, I dug out the GoPro as it hasn't been used since my road trip. All of the batteries were dead and the powered back didn't seem to be working. So I dug out my modified case and mini-USB cable. It worked, sort of. The vibration and wind kept pulling the cable out of the GoPro as it was a pretty loose fit. A rubber band seemed to solve that problem for now.

I had deleted my Google Plus id as I didn't care for their interpretation of a social network. When I did that, it also removed all of my uploaded videos and I was no longer able to comment on YouTube. Whenever I tried to comment it would bring up a dialog box asking me if I wanted to set up Google Plus (which I didn't). Yesterday, I tried again and it let me set up a non-Google Plus account. All of my old videos were still there just tagged as private. So this was sort of a test.


  1. Without the engine sound in the video it's hard to tell if there's any slippage happening but it looks like you get along quite well with that rig. How fast are you moving on Farmers Loop Rd?
    The closest I ever came to this type of winter riding was when I was a kid and wrapped a steel cable around the rim and tire of a street bike then proceeded out onto a frozen lake. Never tried that again.

    1. Not much slippage at all though there is some side to side. I'm going about 45 mph down Farmers Loop, a bit under the limit but fast enough with chains on the rear tire. Fresh snow like this is a blast!

  2. Video looks good, like you, I've found shooting gopro video while snow is falling leads to many drops blurring the lens....the latter portion from the creamery was "mo better" as it showed how snow makes things look pristine.

    My own gopro's output is again slightly blurry....so no videos for now.

    1. Thank you. I had treated the other case with RainX for plastic but not this one. It helps the water from staying over the lens.

  3. Google is worrisome. We have become very dependent. As time passes I find that Google is drifting from their values, and they seem to have a shorter and shorter attention span. When they lose interest in a product or service things go sideways.

    1. What ever happened to "Do No Evil". I don't hear that phrase anymore when people talk about Google. I could never see why some are so enthusiastic about Google+.
