Sunday, October 11, 2015

Fall Sunrise

Sunrise is starting to get a bit later in the day. This was about 8:40 this morning and was the beginning of a beautiful day. It was about 28°F this morning and somewhere in the mid 40s this afternoon. It would've been a good day to go out for a ride but I really couldn't think of anywhere to go. Kinda sad, eh?


  1. You think you've got nowhere to go? I've got one road, two directions....

    1. You're right. We have three directions, north to Prudhoe Bay, south to Anchorage and east to Canada. Key West is much more limiting in more ways than one.

  2. We have days like that too. Where to go? I dunno. Those are the days we usually end up doing yard work.

    At least you had a pretty sunrise.

    1. After a while you run out of local places to go. And now I don't even have a commute!

    2. I so know how you feel ... so I finally said, "I want to go somewhere I haven't been (lately) before." I found one new road on the way there and back.

    3. There are probably quite a few small roads that I haven't been on but very few destinations. Just not that many roads but a lot more than Key West...

  3. Just think, only 70 or so more days and they start to get longer again. Nice sunrise!

  4. That IS sad, Richard... Is it time to pull out the maps and begin listing rides for (if not what's left of this season) next season?

    Or have you ridden all of the roads in your neck of the woods?

    1. There are a few roads such as the Denali Hwy or the road to McCarthy but they are more summer trips. Not a whole lot around here though I was pleasantly surprised by Murphy Dome a couple of weeks ago.

  5. Lovely sunrise. Maybe try and find another gem like Murphy Dome?

    1. There is a dirt road on the back side of Murphy Dome that winds around the back side which I think ends on the Elliott Hwy. Something that I wouldn't want to try on my own. Need at least one other rider.
