Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Post BBBC Doldrums

I gotta admit that the BBBC (Brave, Bold, Blogger Challenge) caused me to post on topics outside the norm (for me) and include some photos that I would have never even taken let alone post. While on road trips, I tend to post almost daily, subject to Internet access, as it is an easy way for me to remember where I was and what went on so the daily posting wasn't difficult. The weird off the wall topics actually made the daily posts simpler since I didn't need to think of a subject. For me, I knew that I wasn't going to come up with an imaginative ways to incorporate the topic within what would be considered a "normal" post.

With our high temperatures venturing above freezing just about every day for the last couple of weeks, I can't complain about the weather. Transitioning to the Beemer has been a non-event as it starts readily and generally runs pretty well. And I'm starting to get used to the way it drives and handles again. I definitely prefer the handling characteristics of the Ural though the Beemer transmission shifts much nicer. With the exception of finding neutral. On the Ural, just a quick flip of the reverse lever puts it into neutral. No messing around with the shift lever.

Still waiting for parts...


  1. Your continued ability to ride in sub-optimal conditions for two-wheeled motorcycles is driving my on again off again search for spare rig....

    1. There seems to be no shortage of low mileage rigs. I think that folks buy them to use, possibly, when they don't feel comfortable on two wheels anymore then never use them. Or they decide that a third wheel doesn't fit them. Some get terrified the first time they ride one in traffic. I talked to one of them. Missed out on a very low mileage Gear Up as the original purchaser tried to ride it on downtown freeways. Parked it and didn't use it for a couple of years...

  2. At least you have a back up rig that is reliable. Could be worse, you could be relegated to the truck while the Ural is waiting for parts.

  3. Back ups are great. I've been a polygam-otorcyclist for a while and even though I like one bike MUCH better it's good to change once in a while.

    1. Yes, it is really nice to not only have a spare but a spare that can be ridden in the ice and snow. And it's nice to use the spare for a while since repairs and maintenance that you may have ignored get addressed.

  4. Congratulations on making it through February. The days are getting longer here, noticeably longer. It's wonderful. All the signs point to spring. I can't wait as I have no back up winter motorcycle (and honestly prefer the comfort of full indoor heat, seats included.)

    1. I noticed a sure sign of Spring around here. The snow piles along the sides of the road were pushed into the ditch so that snowmelt wouldn't go onto the pavement.
