Saturday, April 28, 2018

Sure Sign of Spring!

I know that I probably used that phrase before but this is the sign that is almost universally accepted around here. The return of the birds to Creamer's Field Migratory Wildfowl Refuge. These are the wetlands between Farmer's Loop Rd and College Rd. They actually clear the snow using giant snowblowers that are normally used to clear the runways. Then seed of some sort is scattered around. In previous years, I've seen hundreds of swans plus uncountable numbers of other birds in these fields. I mention "swans" as they tend to stand out and even I can spot them. This opportunistic iPhone snapshot was taken on Friday evening around 7:30.


  1. Well the cranes are certainly a sign and also when the outhouse hole fills with snowmelt runoff. It's always a shock that first spring morning!

    1. I had forgotten about that happening. I haven’t lived in a cabin for a long time but I do remember the surprise when that happened.

  2. How cool to see the birds returning. Is this about the average date for them?

    1. I don’t know but it seems about right. A local radio station even makes announcements on the arrival. Before the birds show up, you can see people sitting in the parking lot watching so they can be the first one to report the arrival to the radio and the newspaper.

  3. Awesome! I am sure the birds are better at predicting the arrival of spring than your average meteorologist! 🤣
