Wednesday, August 3, 2016

First Sunset Since May

There was a little surprise this morning. This was the windshield of the side-by-side parked next to the hut. Just a little dusting of snow to welcome the return of sunsets to Barrow. Monday, August 1st, was the first sunset in Barrow since May 10th. By sunset I mean the sun actually going completely below the horizon. Not really very dark just not sunny. I'm not sure what the temperature was but right now (1:30pm) it's about 34°F and there is some snow blowing around in spite of the blue skies.

I was surprised by the amount of ice along the shore and was told that there was a westerly wind that had blown the ice back towards shore. I couldn't pass up a photo from the beach between NARL and Barrow with the sun shining on the ice. The nice, white ice looked so nice especially with the I also took a pano but I think that I like the individual photo better.


  1. I wouldn't mind some surprise snow down here right now....thanks for the pics.

    1. Cooler temps are much easier to deal with than miserably heat.

  2. I do not fancy snow right now but I really like the ice lagoon. Very nice. Have seen similar in Iceland.

    1. The ice in the ocean is pretty cool to look at. I'm amazed at how white it looks with the sun shining on it. And there was no wind so the water was completely calm.

  3. I like the individual photo as well. I clicked on it twice and it brought it up full size. Those are good size chunks of ice.

    1. And, I'm told, the returning ice came with at least one polar bear. Which caused some stress among a few groups of visiting researchers...

  4. Richard, I was in Ottawa this morning and it was 34 C ... Looked a whole lot different than 34 F in Alaska. Kinda made me smile. But I know it will be our turn for snow before I know it! I think I have acclimatized to the heat.

    1. Hmmm, I'll take 34°F over 34°C just about anytime. Add humidity and you'll either get fog or pure misery.

  5. Richard, theese photos are really amazing! You are lucky to have seen such beauty with your own eyes.
