Monday, April 16, 2012

Now It's Really Spring

I'm thinking I can finally say that Spring has actually arrived. The snow has melted back enough for patches of green grass to start to show through. The water and ice that was our driveway has thawed enough to see the pavement and this morning, it was a balmy 30°F and dry pavement.

So, at 11:00am, I headed home to get the bike and I was actually able to ride the bike in to work today! I haven't done many of the maintenance tasks I listed on my last post but then again, I did need to warm up the engine before I can drain the oil. So I just checked the oil, brake fluid level and tires before heading out. Fortunately, there was no runoff crossing the road since it was still a bit below freezing but there is a lot of pea gravel and sand everywhere so I'm still going to be slow through the corners. It feels great to be back out on the road....


  1. YAY for your first ride of the year. I am glad you had some sunshine and reasonable temperatures.

    Hope it keeps warming up for you and the roads stay dry for more riding.

    1. It's felt really good to got out. I was out walking this afternoon and it is starting to feel pretty warm. At least the mosquitos aren't out yet!

  2. Good to see you on motorized two-wheels Richard!


    Redleg's Rides

    Colorado Motorcycle Travel Examiner

  3. Good to see you out mate, you have the longest winter of any of us...

    1. This is about the earliest that I've been able to get out of the driveway. And your winter is just beginning.

  4. YAY!!!! So happy that the bike is out stretching the legs! Yes. You absolutely have to take it for a ride or two in order to determine order of work to be done. ;)

    Glad to see it is 30F. Since it wasnt long ago that you were reporting -4F.

    1. The highs are well into the 50's so the remaining snow should go pretty fast (I hope!). Then again, the weather guessers are forecasting snow for Wednesday...

  5. Yahoo - My due date is Thursday (could have been Wednesday but that's when the SUV is getting it's snows removed!)
    Happy Riding.

    1. Thank you for the reminder. I need to make an appointment to get the snow tires swapped out on my wife's car.

      Only a few more days 'till Thursday!

  6. If your out and about on two wheels in Alaska, I guess I can say Spring has arrived in the Midwest. I suppose this means I need to give me wee chariot its yearly bath.

    Glad you were able to get a ride in.

    1. Hopefully the nice weather will hang around for a while. The weather forecast is for more snow on Wednesday. Wash the scooter? It'll just get dirty again...

  7. Welcome back on the road. It was a long wait for you. I wish you many miles and smiles!

    1. Yes, it felt like a long winter. But was amazed that riding felt comfortable from the first mile. No anxiety this year...

  8. Richard:

    I can relate. There's no better feeling than being "one with your machine", the leaning and clicking of the gears as you accelerate out of a corner. I get the same feeling after a few days of non-riding. It's like you are tempting your senses . . .

    Riding the Wet Coast
    My Flickr // My YouTube

    1. It really felt good to be on the bike again. But I really should get the maintenance done instead of procrastinating. It's not like I haven't had plenty of time just lack of initiative. I'm spending too much time walking...

  9. Yay!!! Glad you are back on two wheels!

    1. Thank you! It feels great to be back on the road again...

  10. Yes, it is always good to get out on the bike after hibernation. Glad Spring has finally arrived in Alaska!
