Wednesday, October 29, 2008
BB King's Blues Club
Tonight, there was a Blackboard customer appreciation event here. A live band. Pretty good but very loud. Great barbecue ribs, lots of salads and grilled vegetables. I'm not sure how long I can deal with the high volume.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Freezing in Orlando
Friday, October 24, 2008
Rider Visibility
Last week, while on the road trip, I noticed something while following motorcycles on the highway. In Oregon and northern California where there was a fair amount of dark green vegetation along the highways, I occasionally caught up with and followed a motorcycle whose rider was wearing black. I.e. black helmet & black leathers and occasionally riding on a mostly black bike. With the overcast skies, the chrome wasn't reflecting the sun very well and the itty bitty lights many bikes now have facing the rear were difficult to see in the flat light. There were many times that they pretty much vanished from sight due to the dark background. Obviously, this wasn't the case while crossing the desert, but even then, they tended to vanish from behind when they were following a darker, large vehicle. On the other hand, those wearing white helmets and especially those with high-viz clothing were very visible even with the flat light from overcast skies. When the sun was out, all of the specular reflections from the chrome that many cruisers have is pretty visible but then again, a lot of it isn't visible to the rear. Loud pipes don't help much until you are right on top of them and you usually see them by then anyway. Just an observation...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
On Tuesday, I had my appointment with a WIN consultant to do an IHP or an individualized health plan (or something like that). She helped me establish some long and short term goals such as reducing my BMI or body mass index. I.e. loose weight. I've been working on loosing weight for what seems like forever. My long term goal is to drop one category or roughly 20 lbs. Pretty ambitious but doable. Since April, I picked almost 10 lbs, I believe, just from reduced walking last summer. I think that I needed to keep up the same intensity instead of just the same distance. Last year, after walking 3 1/2 miles on the treadmill, I was dripping with sweat and pretty tired. Now, that same distance and speed barely raises my heart rate. I thought that calories burned was a function of distance not effort. I.e. walking 5 miles burned roughly 500 Calories or roughly the same as running 5 miles. Over the summer, I managed to average about 10 miles per day but there was very little effort required. In other words not much exertion since I maintained a normal walking pace. I guess the calories burned isn't the same. A short term goal is to jog twice a week and add more fresh vegetables to my diet. Also, I'm trying to take the bus every day so every morning, I walk to the bus stop then walk from Wood Center to Butrovich, and then reverse the path in the evening. I think it is about 3 1/2 miles. They also challenged me to eat a better breakfast. I usually just have a diabetic shake (200 Cal). More than filling since I'm never hungry in the morning.
I also stopped wearing my pedometer since all the "programs" are over. Slacking off again...
I also stopped wearing my pedometer since all the "programs" are over. Slacking off again...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Interesting Scooter
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Manzanar Reunion
On Tuesday, we travelled through Death Valley to Las Vegas. I hadn't travelled on this particular route before and we went over three passes. The roads were pretty steep, narrow and wound all over the place. It would have been a great motorcycle ride. We came here so that my mom could attend a reunion (64th) of her high school class. The number of people coming kept getting smaller so they started combining it with other classes. Now it includes anyone who attended school in Manzanar. So it is now called the Manzanar School Reunion. There are a number of other Sansei's here like myself as well as some yonsei's. The park service gave an update and the founder of the Japanese American Museum in Los Angeles gave a talk. Pretty interesting history. I ended up getting an educators resource kit which has a number of DVD's as well as copies of their newspaper, and the poster used to advertise the evacuation. I still think that there is little mention of the internment in history books.
We didn't stop in Death Valley at all so no pictures. It was as pretty as I remember it and there were quite a few tourists stopped in the middle of the road taking pictures. No wildlife so I'm not sure what they were staring at.
We didn't stop in Death Valley at all so no pictures. It was as pretty as I remember it and there were quite a few tourists stopped in the middle of the road taking pictures. No wildlife so I'm not sure what they were staring at.
Monday, October 13, 2008
On another note, the road from Bakersfield to Hwy 14 would have been a wonderful motorcycle ride as it wound all over the place through a canyon following the Kern River. Many 20 mph turns with a rock face on one side of the road and a drop off on the other. But this is supposed to be a blog about walking and exercise so I should mention that I have been a real slacker these days. Today, I walked only a couple of miles. I walked from one end of town to another this evening after dinner. I tried out a pedometer application on my iPhone and it worked really well. I knew the length of town from my gps while in the car and the step count matched it within a few percent. The only problem is the app needs to be running in the foreground and the display appears to stay on. Doesn't do much for battery life. I didn't bring my pedometer and didn't feel like breaking out the gps. Hopefully, tomorrow, my exercise pattern will improve.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
On the Road Again
Yesterday, I flew down to Oregon to accompany my parents to a Manzanar Internment camp reunion in Las Vegas. We are planning on stopping at the Manzanar National Historic Site located 9 miles north of Lone Pine on highway 395. Hopefully, there won't be any snow. Last year, there was a high school reunion, also in Las Vegas, and the National Park Service had a great presentation. I can't wait to see their visitors center.
Saturday evening - Corning, CA, nice drive with wonderful weather. We went a bit over 400 miles today. Just before stopping, we went past a semi along the side of the road with burning rear tires. Lots of black smoke and it was starting the grass and brush along the road burning as well.
Sunday evening - Bakersfield, CA, another beautiful weather day. At our hotel, there were a couple of these old trucks around. Probably on their way home from a show somewhere. Both were done as hot rods rather than restorations.
Drivers around here seem to go incredibly fast. I think they don't care what speed limits are nor care what gas costs. Also, I think turn signals are considered a courtesy and why would anyone go out of their way to be courteous. Trucks, on the other hand, seem to be obeying the speed limit which is a nice change from our trip this past summer. I saw lots of motorcycles with most of the cruisers and touring bikes riding intelligently. On the other hand, all (not some but ALL) of the sports bikes I saw were running well over the limit and weaving back and forth through traffic. Including vehicles that were already well in excess of the speed limit. Crazy...
Saturday evening - Corning, CA, nice drive with wonderful weather. We went a bit over 400 miles today. Just before stopping, we went past a semi along the side of the road with burning rear tires. Lots of black smoke and it was starting the grass and brush along the road burning as well.
Drivers around here seem to go incredibly fast. I think they don't care what speed limits are nor care what gas costs. Also, I think turn signals are considered a courtesy and why would anyone go out of their way to be courteous. Trucks, on the other hand, seem to be obeying the speed limit which is a nice change from our trip this past summer. I saw lots of motorcycles with most of the cruisers and touring bikes riding intelligently. On the other hand, all (not some but ALL) of the sports bikes I saw were running well over the limit and weaving back and forth through traffic. Including vehicles that were already well in excess of the speed limit. Crazy...
Friday, October 10, 2008
Where's Broadmore, AK
I have one of the non-gps iPhones but still play with location based services. Today, I'm sitting in the Fairbanks airport and my phone reports that I'm in Broadmore, AK, when asked to update my location. This is a significant improvement over the last location update from Barrow, AK, when the phone placed me about 500 miles add of the west coast of Africa in the middle of the Atlantic. I think it was confused. The temperature next to the Arctic Ocean didn't feel tropical at all. Supposedly, they are using cell tower triangulation so maybe the system didn't know about Barrow.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Still Playing with the GPS

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