The procedure was fairly painless thanks to the Internet. I paired the device with my laptop using the pairing code sent by the manufacturer of the device. Then started up my serial terminal program, ZTerm, set it to 9600, 8, N,1 and connected in. For those long time users of the Internet, they may recognize this as 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit. I then sent a handful of "AT" commands to the device to show headers, add a linefeed, set the communications protocol, etc. Then had it connect to the appropriate computer, report back the current setting then I issued the command to change it. The whole process took less than a minute. Again, thanks to the Internet for the command sequences. In case you are interested, here is the command sequence and responses.
ELM327 v1.5
>AT H1
>AT L1
>AT SP 6
ISO 15765-4 (CAN 11/500)
>AT SH 7c0
>21 ac
7C8 03 61 AC 00
>3b ac 40
7C8 03 7F 3B 78
7C8 02 7B AC
>21 ac
7C8 03 61 AC 40
No more beeping. Maybe I should have changed the seatbelt beep at the same time. And time to look into what else I can use this for...
And aren't you glad the Internet has evolved to the current, web based version and we don't need to mess with terminal interfaces.