No one signed up for the afternoon test session so I had the afternoon free. I went to the pool with sunny skies and about an hour later, torrents of rain. Just here as the sun was still shining in other parts of Tucson. Complete with wind, thunder, and lightning. After fifteen minutes, it was all done. I went back to the RV hoping that the awning was still in good shape and all was fine. Gusts were up to 35mph according to the weather app.
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Heavy Rain
No one signed up for the afternoon test session so I had the afternoon free. I went to the pool with sunny skies and about an hour later, torrents of rain. Just here as the sun was still shining in other parts of Tucson. Complete with wind, thunder, and lightning. After fifteen minutes, it was all done. I went back to the RV hoping that the awning was still in good shape and all was fine. Gusts were up to 35mph according to the weather app.
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Tucson, AZ
Sunday - Lunch/dinner at Culver's and groceries from Fry’s. Not much else until going to the pool around sunset. At 98°F, it was too hot for much else.
Monday - I participated in the morning and afternoon test sessions. I'm amazed at the difference that my new "computer glasses" that I picked up at Costco make. So much easier to read the text on the screen.
After dinner, I headed down to the pool. There were thunderstorm warnings in the late afternoon but we never saw a drop and all the lightning was west of town.
I ordered an RV Lock for the motor home. They are finally starting to make one for class A RVs. We had one on the 5th wheels and it may be one of our favorite upgrades. Being able to lock/unlock the deadbolt using a remote or the keypad was a huge convenience. Plus if you need to give access, you just need to give them the code. There is even a LE BT option available so you can lock or unlock using your phone.Tuesday - Morning test session today and the AT&T internet seems decent. In fact, the park's complimentary WiFi isn't that bad either though not enough bandwidth for Zoom.
Dinner was grilled potatoes and lemon-garlic shrimp. Maybe I need to add some vegetables…So I grilled some corn with butter and seasoned salt. It all came out delicious.
Saturday, September 24, 2022
Another Project Done
Friday, September 23, 2022
Saguaro National Park
Thursday - Today, AT&T seems pretty fast, at least for download. Jitter still seems to be on the high side. After the test session, I walked to Sprouts, one of the grocery stores near the park, and picked up some ingredients for riced cauliflower Spanish rice. If it's good, I'll include the recipe.
Mexican Cauliflower Rice
- 10 oz Bag riced cauliflower
- 1/2 Onion diced
- 2 Tbsp garlic powder
- 2 Tbsp smoked paprika
- 2 Tbsp comino / cumin
- 1 Tbsp minced garlic
- 1 Can Rotel
- 1 Tbsp Better Than Bullion
- 2 Tbsp butter
- Pinch salt & pepper
- Cilantro (optional)
Microwave frozen cauliflower rice for 6 minutes on high.
Add cauliflower rice to a dry pan on low-medium heat. Cook until completely dry. (5+ mins)
Add diced onions and 2 tbsp of butter. Cook until onions are softened. Add minced garlic, comino or cumin, garlic powder, smoked paprika. Mix all dry Ingredients well for a few minutes then add Rotel, Better Than Bullion, salt & pepper and cilantro.
Friday - This morning, we went to Saguaro National Park, the eastern one of the two. The last time we were here, just about everything was closed including the eight mile scenic drive. This used to be a National Monument but was changed to a National Park in the mid-90s. I’m not sure why.
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Some Maintenance, Upgrades, and Repairs
Monday - This morning, we had the RV washed and waxed. It took him over three hours to get it done and it looks pretty good. The wheels are shiny, the glass is clean, and the paint hasn’t been this shiny since we’ve owned it.It definitely looks better than it did before. After he was finished, I had to bring the slides in and start the engine to get the suspension airbags inflated. Otherwise, there isn’t enough room to put the tire covers back on.
Wednesday - I participated in the morning test session while Bridget went to Benson for a dog visit. It is still hot and now humid due to the rainfall last night. I think the forecasted high today is 89°F but it feels warmer than that...
By late afternoon, we had some thunderstorms come through the area. Not a lot of rain but enough to put some water in the wash next to the park. And enough that the NWS has warnings all afternoon about flash flooding.Sunday, September 18, 2022
Thursday - Cleaned the solar panels and got an appointment for a RV wash and wax. I turned off the charge function of the Magnum inverter just to see if the panels produce a bit more than 350 watts.
Friday, September 16, 2022
Titan Missile Museum

Wednesday, September 14, 2022
It Actually Rained
Monday - After the storm yesterday, I went ahead and put the awning back out. I brought it in last night as the weather service reported gusts up to 60mph. But the Tucson weather service covers a huge part of the state. Nothing like that around here.
Two test sessions today and a nice visit to the pool before the rain arrived. We finished off the day with a wonderful visit with KathyK and Mike.
Tuesday - It was finally cool enough outside to use the Blackstone griddle at only 72°F at 8am. By 9:30, it was already up to the upper 80s. Two test sessions today and I led one of the early tests. A very well-prepared candidate.
After the afternoon session, it was pool time. The water is feeling warmer but still wonderful. I tried a time-lapse with the clouds but they move very slowly. Around 3, an employee came around with free ice cream for everyone at the pool. That was an unexpected surprise.
After some pool time, I checked the mail. Yes, we even have a mailbox here.
Wednesday - It cooled off nicely last night and was 67°F this morning. Cool enough to mess with the propane side of the refrigerator again. It hasn’t been working on propane since we had it in the shop. And I assumed that it was because the propane was turned off at the tank. After hooking the Blackstone back in and using it, I am confident that the propane lines are bled of air. I switched the refrigerator to propane yesterday, and the burner never lit. I opened up the back of the fridge, and the igniter was almost touching the burner. It needs to be about 3/16” away or there isn’t a large enough spark. The adjustment is just bending the metal bracket. I don’t know how it moved from when I had bent it previously. Heat?
After messing around with it for 20 minutes, I got the burner to light. I’ll need to watch it for a while either on the front panel of the refrigerator or on HomeAssistant. Something I forgot to do yesterday.
Apple had purchased the DarkSky weather app and with the new release of iOS 16, had added a ton of features to their weather app such as wind speed and wind gusts. I had been using the DarkSky app for this wind forecast for a while. Another sunset at the pool. A very relaxing way to finish off the day. Not that I had a lot going on. The propane flame is still running on the fridge. I think I may leave it running for at least the rest of the week just to make sure it actually works as it should.Saturday, September 10, 2022
Some Minor Projects
Thursday - Another hot day today in spite of the predictions of the weather guessers. It's 97°F at noon with the hottest part of the day yet to come. I spent part of the morning installing the iOS 16 RC onto my iPhone. I guess the servers were busy as they timed out and the download restarted multiple times. But it eventually finished downloading, verified, and installed. Some cool new features but nothing breathtaking so far. The screenshot is an example of a change. You can customize the lock screen with current location, weather, and other widgets. Kind of cool…
Friday - Not too hot today for a change. Only 88°F at noon and not humid. I did get one minor project done on the RV. The stove has a two-piece Corian cover that matches the countertop. A piece on the front, which would match the front of the countertop, is missing. This missing piece also supports the front edge of the cover. With it missing, the surface will flip up if you lean on the front edge. It’s happened more than once fortunately not when I was making coffee. To support the front edge, I drilled and tapped the countertop and screwed in some aluminum spacers with stainless hardware. It works well.
I participated in two test sessions today using the AT&T hotspot. No bandwidth issues. Even though the campground WiFi seems to be pretty fast, there are drops when using Zoom.
Saturday - Not much today. A mid-morning test session and went to the pool just before sunset. In other words, a pretty quiet day. Bridget asked about going to Petrified Forest sometime. It’s about 550 miles round trip so taking the motor home would be around $350 in diesel. I think driving up in the Jeep and staying in a hotel might be cheaper. Or, at worst, about the same.
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Cooling Fan Mod
Monday - Here is my latest mod to the electric cooling fan. It’s a two-speed fan and when I ran it at high speed (2500 cfm), the engine temperature would cool down to 183°F when just cruising on flat ground. With the fan on low speed (1600 cfm) the engine temperature is around 188°F. In other words, high fan speed is overkill unless the ambient temperature is hot and/or long grades are involved. The temperature controller is designed for a single-speed fan so it doesn’t have the ability to switch to a higher speed. I walked to the nearby auto parts store and picked up a pair of lighted rocker switches. I wired them to allow me to disable the fan or select low or high speed. I had previously ordered a package of relays for another project so I used one on the high-speed circuit. They are rated at 40amps at 12VDC so they have plenty of current capacity. I still need to secure the wires a bit more but by 9am, it was already 90°F and I was done working outside!
Tuesday - It's only 9am and already 90°F! I enjoyed the early morning temperatures sitting outside but it became too warm with mosquitos by 8am. The weather guessers claim that cooler temperatures are coming by the weekend. I led a test session this morning but a couple of the other volunteers said that my audio and video seemed to have occasional problems. I was trying out the AT&T hotspot to see if it was more stable than the park WiFi. Actually, Tengo Internet that the park was contracting.
The 102°F temperature was in the middle of the afternoon. I waited until almost sunset before heading to the pool.
Wednesday - This is the Speedtest when using the RV park-supplied commercial WiFi provider. I also tried connecting over WiFi to the AT&T hotspot and got similar results. For today's afternoon, I connected the laptop directly to the hotspot and got much better results. And there wasn't any drops or pauses in the video. I guess that is what I'll be doing for future sessions at this RV park.
Sunday, September 4, 2022
Cooling Fan Update and Other Projects
Friday - I forgot to mention an update on the electric cooling fan. When leaving Benson heading west, it is a long, steep grade. It was 88°F and it was uphill starting at the on-ramp. Full throttle in 3rd for a couple of miles then 4th until the top of the grade. The engine temperature peaked at 204°F near the crest. While cruising in 6th up and down the rolling hills afterward, it would climb up to 208°F unless I manually down-shifted to 5th on the uphill sections. So far, the fan seems like a success and worthwhile addition. I may pick up the dual-speed thermostat or install a toggle switch and relay to enable the high-speed mode. On flat ground, with high speed, the engine temperature would hover around 183°F. Probably not really needed.
Since we will be here for a while, I put out the problematic kitchen slide. The mechanical slide lock stops retracting about halfway. If I stop and let it sit for a minute, it'll finish retracting. In addition to the slide, I put out the folding table, tire covers, awning sunshade, etc. Many of these things I wouldn’t bother with if we are only staying somewhere for a week or so.
After the morning test session, I walked in the other direction to Fry's, part of the Kroger (Fred Meyer) chain. And I got almost $30 in grocery discounts. Plus, we get points for gas discounts. It was around 1½ miles round trip in 95°F temperatures.
Saturday - Yesterday morning, I ordered a Mopar locking gas cap for the Jeep from Amazon. It was delivered yesterday evening while I was at the pool! Same-day delivery in around 10 hours. I guess there is a benefit from being 5 miles from an Amazon warehouse…Anyway, I now had a small project. To build the lock cylinder to match the physical Jeep key. After watching a 25-minute video on YouTube, I sorted out all the little pieces and springs and found the right ones by, basically, trial and error. It took only about ten minutes but after adding a bit of white grease to the moving parts, I installed the lock cylinder into the cap. Success, it works and I don’t have to have another key.
Thursday, September 1, 2022
Tucson, AZ
Thursday - A very short travel day today to an RV park due east of Tucson. We are down to 2500’ elevation so the temperature is warmer during the day and not as cool overnight. The site is completely level and paved. Thank you to KathyK, aka Toadmama, for letting us know about their Fall special. This will be our first long-term stay as we booked it for four months. Lots of rules but nothing that would bug me. Lots of over-the-air TV channels and reasonable AT&T speed. 23Mbps down and 3Mbps up. We have the site reserved for the next four months.