The fog finally rolled out by evening and it turned out to be a pretty nice day. I was out walking around noon and it was starting to feel like winter. No snow but overcast, foggy and a strong, cold wind. In the picture on the right, I was told that all of the pallets of building material are headed for the new hospital here in Barrow. Last year they got the foundation in but no other work has been done until the barges could bring in more material. There has been a string of barges waiting to unload since I got here on Thursday. Things are really hopping around here. Not that it has anything to do with the BARC (Barrow Arctic Science Center), but some of the construction workers for are staying in the NARL hotel. I spent most of today in the BARC getting ready to test out the video system I have set up.
Barrow Arctic Research Center |
There was another Saturday Schoolyard presentation today and the presenter was Josh Dugat, a science teacher from New Orleans who works with disadvantaged high school kids. He gave a great presentation not only explaining the research he has been involved with up here but also how he was incorporating this into his lessons back home. The scientists participate from around the country with his class throughout the year including when they are out in the field. The video equipment worked fine with the exception of a weird error from the Mac Mini running Podcast Capture. Fortunately, I also recorded the presentation on the Tricaster so I just replayed it and captured the video on the Mac using QuickTime Player then uploaded the file using Podcast Capture. That may end up being the more reliable method. I also streamed the presentation to the Internet using ustream.tv and we had a handful of people join and watch. So far, the feedback is completely positive. It looked great. The OS X server is still chunking away at the video encoding. Theoretically, the file could be uploaded directly but I haven't come out with a simple way to get the huge (>2 GB) file from the Tricaster (Windows XP) to the Mac. Standard methods such as USB drives use FAT32 as the file system format and the maximum file size is 2 GB.
I still have to figure out how to get the site working with the iTunes store so podcasts would be available through iTunes or iTunesU. Haven't decided which would be the more appropriate path.
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